Sunday, May 29, 2011

House / Home

A house isn't a home, it's not much of anything without love.


  1. That is very true. When I used to go off on a holiday with my friend and my younger daughter was still living at home, she always used to say that it was only a house when I was away. But when I came back, it became a home again. How sweet is that?!

  2. love completes the is what makes house a home...agreed!

  3. so very very true, which is why even after the best vacations, coming home is so fabulous.....

  4. brilliant!

    hope you are having a wonderful weekend. one love.

  5. TO:

    Thisisme - what a wonderful thing for your daughter to tell you! Smiles.

    Sherry Smyth - oh yes, love completes a whole lot of everything.

    Beth - I always LOVE coming home after being away. That first moment inside after you open the door is heaven.

    Bounci Barb - I think you can share a few stories about home no doubt.

    Pretty Things - yes, home and love together are a perfect combination.

    SE'LAH - every weekend has the potential to be wonderful. It's often a state of mind.

  6. the words and photo go so good together and the words are so darn true...

  7. What a brilliant photo to illustrate that thought. So true.

  8. What a great sculpture, and wonderful location for it.

  9. To:
    Wanibaka - thanx for the nice hug. feels good.

    Pat Tillet - when I saw the sculpture it reminded me of how empty a house can be. Glad you had a good time on your trip, but I know lots of us are glad you're back.

    Oh, My Darling - art makes you think about life. Thnx for stopping by.

    Sarah - I was in the right place at the right time for this phot as the sculpture show was on the beach for just a few months.

    r. garriott - I know the atist was all over the beach deciding the perfect place to put their sculpture. I loved where they ended up putting it.

  10. Hello, my friend. I haven't been around the blog block in ages what with the end of the school year craziness. I wanted to stop by and tell you how much I've missed you and this inspiring place you have created here. It's good to be back.

    and, oh - what a great picture!

  11. Nothing drives this point home (ha!) more than seeing an old abandoned house on the prarrie... it used to hold a family--it use to hold love. Now, it's just boards and broken windows. The last time I came home from a vacation, I literally wanted to hug my home!

  12. To:
    Relyn - I'm glad that your hectic schedule has lightened up. I appreciate your coming by and it's a delight to visit your blog as well.

    Joy - Yes, it can be startling to go back to your old home. Just have to keep the memories going, they can be more vivid than reality at times. I LOVE coming home each and every time.
