Sunday, December 13, 2009


Thank you (with a nod and a curtsey) to "the romantic query letter and happy ever after" for nominating me for the Honest Scrap Award. I am both surprised and humbly grateful coming from such a caring and talented writer. As requested, read on for parts One and Two of the requirements.

I will be sharing 7 (hard to pick) blog choices that I nominate. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

PART I -My NOMINEES for "The Honest Scrap Award" are:  -an American mother living in Paris, working and adapting to a different culture. I loved this blog, the music is delightful, and since I have recently become a a fan of French cooking, it caught my eye. -an everday woman with touching and insightful words about personal experiences, I recommend "the Grandmother Memory" and "the Eldest". -a very, very new blog with a great sense of humor. I am already looking forward to more blogs. -  although he hasn't written in a while, this is a very personal and revealing look into a relationship and it's struggles with disability as a factor. Not a blog for everyone, but I appreciated his openness about his feelings. - A lovely and creative woman that gifts us with her sharing of talents and optimism, hard to describe in a few words, but easy to enjoy and become a fan of. -  in-your-face real lifeblog, it is blunt and yet at the same time, whimsical and thoughtful. She will touch your heart, this has become a favorite of mine. Beautiful! Creative! Inspring! A pleasant journey with lovely photos of  of  endless ways to present of a gift.



A list of 10 honest things that you didn't know about me in no paticular order or reason:

1- My favorite chocolate of all time is Lindt's Excellance Extra Creamy Milk Chocolate in the very large bars, yummmm . . . I buy them several at a time.

2- I have a pet shrimp(the size of a piece of rice) in an ecosystem, shaped like an egg, with no feeding, maintenance or walking required. She can live up to 10 years and her name is Rose.

3- My favorite cartoon character is Jiminy Cricket, I found him to be intelligent with a sense of humor and a very dapper dresser.

4- I like sitting in a cozy chair and with my left leg curled under me.

5- I have thought about living in a library or bookstore and having time to read through all the books.

6- I don't like coconut.

7- I think coffee always smells better than it tastes.

8- I have my mother's old worn and yellowed cookbook written by hand in German, that I love, but don't make anything from because its in the metric weight sysem.

9- I can be overly sensitive and take things to heart a bit too much sometimes.

10- I don't like getting up early and function in slow motion when I do have to get up.

I'd like to hear from you . . .


  1. Katharina can I come and live with you in the library. I promise I will start reading the books from the far shelf.

    I love tea too.

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  2. Katharina I know Sande, isn't she lovely.

    I see you are reading some older posts, not to bored yet?


  3. You are most welcomed my dear.
    Your blog is lovely and deserving of so much more.
    You have so much in common with my sister right down to the coconut, which might explain why you and I FOUND each other.
    Warm regards and hugs,

  4. To "The romantic Query letter . . . "

    I'm glad we FOUND each other too. Thank you my friend.
