Monday, December 7, 2009


Although I am very social and positive and upbeat, there are times when I become more introverted, quiet and desire to be alone. I am not antisocial, I am not mad, but I am less talkative, low key, and reflective in my thoughts. I like to drink hot tea, instead of coffee, or maybe a bit of blackberry brandy in a snifter glass, swirling the
 velvety, burgundy liquid in the stemmed glass warmed by my hands, more than actually sipping on it. A bit of sultry jazz playing softly in the background, or an old movie on tv, with the volume set either on low or off, because I know the story well enough by heart. I sometimes read, my selection seeming to run toward personal stories of everyday life, maybe the people section in the New York Times, or scanning through blogs that are emotional and heartfelt in nature. I don't want to hear the news and I avoid loud sounds and loud people. Food choices are simple, soups, toast, comfort foods. Sometimes I write in my journal, but usually not, there isn't anything new to write at this point, I've already been there and the words and feelings haven't changed. I don't stay in this mindset long, sometimes a few hours, sometimes a few days, jumping back into regular life when called upon. I can be alone in a crowd, but I prefer the serenity of being inside a room, preferably at home, inside my car, a great time to travel with no particular destination in mind, or under a soft and fuzzy blanket, that smells of being freshly laundered, on the couch or in bed. Being  by myself. It's a time out of sorts. A regrouping, a mental and emotional feeding, a nurturing of mind and soul. I'm sure there are others like me, but I haven't talked to anyone about it. It's not the sort of thing that comes up in conversation, and when I am in that place, talking isn't something I care to do. Are you an alone time kind of person? I sometimes have those moments of feeling so different from others, of being a part of it all, and yet not being a part of anything, of not fitting in. A daisy amongst a bunch of roses. And in that same feeling, it is when I feel how much alike I must be with others, the feelings are the same, but the characteristics of the situation vary. That is what makes me want to share . . . that aspect of being different, while still being the same.


  1. Just wanted to let you know I have an award for you over at my blog. If your blog is award free or you choose not to participate, no worries - just my way of saying I enjoy your blog!

  2. My how I enjoyed your personal commentary on the need for solitude at times!.., How often have I lamented to my husband that I feel so "other", from many other folks in life!

    Yet, I love life and at times, in fact often, I enjoy socializing very much!..,

    Do feel most welcome to drop by to visit my blogs hen you have a moment, I would love to have you visit from from time to time!..,

    Cheers from Silken Purse @ The Plumed Pen

  3. The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after,

    I am blushing form being consdiered for an award for blogging. You are most gracious with your nomination and your words. I encourage readers to stop by for a visit to your bolg soon. Thank you!

  4. Thank you for popping by to visit my blog!~ I'm so glad that you enjoyed your visit, "your little cup of cocoa and cookies" and that you plan to vist again!..,I shall return to see what you'll share next; I'm really looking forward to the anticpated experience!

    Cheers from Silken Purse Of The Plumed Pen
